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The Full Story

CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) is the leading authority in the advancement of Social-Emotional Leadership (SEL) in education. CASEL has been reviewing SEL programmes for over a decade, using an increasingly rigorous endorsement process. Their focus on empirical evidence and extensive collaborative efforts has made CASEL the trusted source for

educational administrators and policy-makers across the globe. 

Thriving Life is proud to announce that in March 2018, CASEL endorsed Leader in Me as a “CASEL SELect” programme.


What does this say about Leader in Me?
  • Well-designed programme systemically promoting social and emotional competence development.

  • High-quality professional development and implementation support.

  • Rigorous research supporting its positive impact on pupils.


The core competencies found in the CASEL and LIM models emphasise the need for pupils to develop regulation and management of self, and to cultivate skills that foster successful relationships with others.


  1. Self-awareness

  2. Self-management

  3. Social-awareness

  4. Relationship skills

  5. Responsible decision-making



To learn more about Leader in Me’s CASEL SELect certification,
please visit the following links:

How Leader in Me empowers students with the social-emotional leadership and life skills


The alignment between CASEL-recommended SEL strategies and Leader in Me practices


Alignment between Leader in Me and CASEL Core SEL Competencies


To learn more about the evidence-based impacts of Leader in Me, visit:

Research-Based LIM Impacts.


To read highlights and full research articles on Leader in Me, visit our research website:

Research Highlights

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