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Schools throughout the UK are becoming leadership schools. Educators are empowered with core paradigms and effective practices that drive measurable results in leadership, culture, and academics. Learn more about the promise of Leader In Me
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Exceeding school requirements at a time
when mental health, character education, and
socio-emotional skills are at the top of Ofsted's agenda 

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Leader in Me Schools

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Leader In Me is endorsed by CASEL as an
evidenced based social-emotional learning

Over 5000 schools in 50+ countries around the world developing life ready leaders. In the UK are proud to have over 60 Primary and Secondary Schools in our LiM growing family.

Global Impact

Elementary School
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introductory event
Leader In Me educators of primary schools improve school culture with a belief that every child has genius and everyone can be a leader. More than just another programme, Leader In Me serves as the operating system that aligns all the school's unique initiatives. When implemented with excellence, Leader In Me redefines what it means to be a high performing school in the 21st century.
Pause, Reflect and
self regulate behaviour
"Leader In Me is a whole school approach that has a positive impact on children's emotional well-being, achievements, and life aspirations."
Rae Walker
Headteacher, Scotland

Distributed Leadership

Raising Attainment
"Diminishing the difference in attainment for disadvantaged pupils has been achieved at Giles by utilising Stephen Covey's 7 Habits."
Heather Davies
Retired Headteacher, Giles Junior, England
Leader In Me is for everyone. It starts with the adult, learning the 7 Habits and modelling them. Then teaching these leadership skills to the children. Every day the children get to practice living these life-ready skills as they proactively create the culture.
Educating The
Whole Child
Hands Raised
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Leader In Me Journey
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